Databases are implemented everywhere from web servers to automobiles, video games, smartphones, etc. The goal of this project is to implement a simple Python database and query system. The tasks for the program are to display movies, display longest movie, display shortest movie, display movies earlier than specified year, display movies later than specified year, display movies with specified rating, add movie, delete movie, and save database.
It may be helpful to use the following links with this assignment. Chapter on Loops ( and Chapter on Recursion (
To see how this assignment fits in with the rest of the assignments in this course, please see the following: CS100: Programming I-Classic Projects
Using the Python programming language, students are asked to create a Python database to create a menu-driven interface on the topic of movies. Using an example of digital data storage and movies as a form of popular culture, this project uses Meaningful and Relevant Content as well as Interdisciplinary Connections.