Course Level
Knowledge Unit
Fundamental Programming Concepts
Collection Item Type

In this assignment students individually or collaboratively use recursion to write Python functions. Students compare the assigned recursive functions with those that were previously written (and are included with the activity). As an added support the assignment includes information about an online Python visualizer that can be used to help create a visualization of the recursive calls to facilitate deeper understanding of this fundamental CS topic. This activity is particularly useful for students who have some experience with creating functions and are interested in getting more experience and exposure to recursion.


Group Students by Level of Experience with CS so that they are less likely to be intimidated by peers with more programming experience while being exposed to this challenging lab topic.

Engagement Highlights

Employs Meaningful and Relevant Content by integrating some of the numbering concepts from the board game Scrabble into the assignment.

Materials and Links

Computer Science Details

Programming Language

Material Format and Licensing Information

Creative Commons License