Course Level
Knowledge Unit
Fundamental Programming Concepts
Collection Item Type
Other Material Type

This course is one version of Cal Poly's CPE123, an introductory course targeting incoming freshmen. All sections of CPE123 have the goal of engaging students in "demonstrating the relevance of computing to the world around them" by challenging "students with creative, constructivist challenges that are relevant to their own lives.” It assumes no prior experience in computer science.

In this version of CPE123, computational art is used as a means for exploring beginning computer programming, logic and math. The course uses Processing, an open source programming language and IDE built on the Java programming language.

“The hidden agenda of the class is to make you fall in love with the ability to translate thoughts into reality—also known as computer science.” - J. Clements

[Unlike other collection items, syllabi are not peer reviewed.]

  • If you don't have an art background, consider inviting a colleague (or two) from the art department to give mini-lectures. You might also hold a "jury" and have students present their work to the class and a panel of "experts." The same colleagues that provided art expertise can serve as jurors. 
  • Encourage students to set-up Pinterest accounts and use those to share their work with others in the class and beyond!
  • To encourage student community, consider having students work in groups for some assignments. Just be sure to encourage all students to do both the technical and the artistic part of the assignments. Everyone should grow in their skills not just fall back on what they already do well.

For more information about this course, check out the course website.

Engagement Highlights

Materials in the collection from this course make use of the following Engagement Practices:

Computer Science Details

Programming Language

Material Format and Licensing Information

Creative Commons License
