Course Level
Knowledge Unit
Fundamental Programming Concepts
Collection Item Type
Lecture Slides

This is Project 2 in a series of three programming projects and a set of lecture slides. This project is to implement Luhn algorithm for digit validation. This project integrates string manipulation, use of regular expressions, and file i/o together with discussion on security measures on check-digit methods used among credit card numbers and IMEI numbers.


This is Project 2 of a series of three projects from the same authors. The projects should be done in the following order: 1. Project 1: Caesar's Cipher 2. Project 2: Luhn Algorithm for Digit Validation 3. Project 3: Credit Card Validation Project using Inheritance and Polymorphism. The PowerPoint slides on cyber-security fit well before or after Project 2 to give students an overview on how information is stored on credit cards and how potential breaches can happen. The slides bring in very relevant discussions on current events, computing security, commercial practices and raise awareness on the importance of good security protocols and their ethical and societal implications.

Engagement Highlights

This is Project 2 in a series of programming projects and PowerPoint slides help introduce students in introductory CS courses to fundamental concepts in cyber-security / encryption and to think beyond just learning programming language syntax. It weaves in interesting concepts, current practices and a relevance to students’ daily life. It is also a sequence of projects that build upon CS1 and CS2 topics and works well in developing a coherence and cogency on these topics, syntax and program design.

Engagement Practices Employed

Computer Science Details

Programming Language

Material Format and Licensing Information

Creative Commons License
