In this project, students merge their lab 2 code and add animation to explore the use of variables (and explore the process of merging two code bases together). The objectives for this project are:
- Practice using Processing
- Practice using simple primitives and shapes in Processing
- Practice using methods to encapsulate parts of your code for re-use
- Practice integrating two student’s code
- Practice scaling and translating shapes into a single coordinate frame
- Practice animating via transforms and variables
- Practice developing your aesthetic
- Make an interesting ‘story’ combining two existing designs and adding animation
I recommend that you have students complete lab 2 in this same curricular material ("Computational Art to introduce computing Lab 2 - Blexbolex style exploring scaling via variables"). I recommend having students set up a pinterest account to share their creations. This provides students an opportunity to pin reference art (which I tie into the research phase of the engineering design process) and to pin final results and share their work more broadly with friends and family.
In this interdisicplinary project, students see how they can use programming to create expressive art and use variables to change the position of some elements over time. This project must be done in teams as students must merge their sketches together and then add functionality. Within the confines of the assignment, students are allowed to choose how to merge their scene and which element(s) to animate.