Course Level
Knowledge Unit
Fundamental Programming Concepts
Collection Item Type

In this project students work individually or collaboratively to implement a tower defense game in which ants defend their colony from attacking bees. Students must implement several subclasses of the Ant class, each with their own unique abilities, as well as a class Water that descends from Place. The classes that students write must interact with several other classes.


Group Students by Level of Experience with CS when distributing this project to reduce the potential for some students to feel isolated or intimidated, encouraging student interaction.

Engagement Highlights

Uses the development of a game as a way to Employ Meaningful and Relevant Content. Students work in pairs to complete the project to Encourage Student Interaction. Includes Student-Centered Assessment through an auto-grader with test cases throughout the project.

Materials and Links

Computer Science Details

Programming Language

Material Format and Licensing Information

Creative Commons License